Monday, May 10, 2010

Canadian immigration to Saskatchewan via the Immigrant Nominee Program

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) exists to help skilled workers wanting to settle in Saskatchewan see their permanent residency visa approved faster by being nominated by the province. The province expects to nominate 250 foreign entrepreneurs and managers by the end of the 2010-11 fiscal year.

You will need to submit your application to the province first and then apply for a permanent resident visa through Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) as a Provincial Nominee, once Saskatchewan approves your application.
The SINP is divided into eight different categories:

  • Skilled workers
  • Family members
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Farm owners/ operators
  • Health professionals
  • Hospitality sector project
  • Long haul truck drivers
  • Student

Skilled workers

The Skilled workers category is split into three sub-categories:

  • Skilled workers/ professionals
  • Critical occupations
  • Existing work permit

If you have an offer of permanent, full-time employment in Saskatchewan either in an occupation or trade in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) Matrix level A or B, or in a designated trade in Saskatchewan (skilled workers/ professionals sub-category), you might be a successful applicant in this category.

The same applies if you have an offer of permanent, full-time employment in Saskatchewan in a management position in the NOC Matrix level 0 or if you have worked in Saskatchewan for at least six months on a temporary work permit either in an occupation that is in the NOC Matrix level A or B or in a designated trade in Saskatchewan (existing work permit sub-category).

Family members

If you have family living in Saskatchewan and they are willing and able to sponsor your move to the province, the Family members category is your best option.

Your relative living in Saskatchewan must have been living in the province for at least one year. Also, note that spouses or common-law partners are not eligible to apply under this category. They need to apply under the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) Family Class.

To be considered for this category, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be aged between 18 or 49 years old
  • Have signed affidavit of support from one or more family members living in Saskatchewan
  • Have completed post-secondary education, training or apprenticeship of at least one year in length and have a diploma, certificate or degree
  • Have at least one year of work experience in your field of education or training
  • Have enough English language skills to either do the job you have been offered by a Saskatchewan employer or to get a job in your field of education or training
  • Have a permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan employer or intend to find full-time permanent work in Saskatchewan, and have enough money to live in the province for a short time without work after arrival ($10,000 for you and $2,000 for each accompanying family member)


The SINP has a special category for immigrants who want to establish their own business in Saskatchewan. To be considered for the Entrepreneurs category, you must:

  • Have a minimum of three to five years business ownership experience or senior management experience
  • Have a minimum personal net worth of CA$250,000
  • Conduct a comprehensive exploratory visit to Saskatchewan with a duration of at least five working days, including a visitation seminar and interview with a SINP business immigration officer
  • Submit a business proposal or relocation and settlement plan
  • Make a minimum, verifiable investment of CA$150,000 into starting a new business or buying outright an existing business
  • Intend to own at least 33.3% of your business in Saskatchewan (with a minimum investment of CA$150,000)
  • Make a deposit of CA$75,000 into a trust account and sign a performance agreement based on your business proposal or relocation settlement plan

Three new streams have also been recently added to this category:

  • The Large Scale Investor stream
  • The Science and Technology stream
  • The Young Farmer stream

Two other streams have also been announced but not formally added to the category yet: a stream for entrepreneurs to partner with First Nations and Métis businesses and communities and a stream to facilitate business succession in the province.

Farm owners/operators

Individuals with proven experience in farming and substantial capital available to invest in a farming operation who intend to purchase and operate a farming operation in Saskatchewan can apply for the SINP under the Farm owners/operators category.

In order to be considered, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Available equity – applicants must provide evidence of a net worth of $500,000
  • Refundable cash deposit – applicants must assign a performance agreement committing them to purchasing a farm operation in Saskatchewan and make a “good faith” deposit of $75,000 in trust. This deposit will be returned when the terms of the agreement are met or will be forfeited to the province if the terms are not met within two years of arriving in the province
  • Mandatory visit to Saskatchewan – this visit has to take a minimum of five working days and include an interview with an SINP representative
  • Farm operation knowledge and experience – evidence of education, training, work experience, etc, demonstrating that you are a knowledgeable farm operator must be provided.

This category is restricted to proprietary businesses that include primary agricultural production. Agri-business operations may qualify under the Entrepreneur category mentioned above.

Health professionals

Applicants under the Health professionals category must already be working in Saskatchewan as a physician, nurse or other health professional on a temporary work permit for at least six months before they apply.
This category is split into three sub-categories:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Other health professionals

Hospitality sector project

The SINP can nominate immigrants that are currently employed in Saskatchewan through the Hospitality sector project in one of the following categories:

  • Food/beverage server (NOC 6453)
  • Food counter attendant/kitchen helper (NOC 6641)
  • Housekeeping/cleaning staff (NOC 6661)

To be considered, you must have been working in the province for a minimum of six months on a temporary work permit issued by CIC and supported by Service Canada’s (SC) Temporary Foreign Worker labour market confirmation.

Long haul truck drivers

The aim of the Long haul truck drivers category is to help Saskatchewan trucking firms bring workers to the province for occupations requiring a high school diploma or on-the-job training under Service Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Policy.

A truck driver that has been working in Saskatchewan for at least six months and receives an offer of employment from a local trucking firm may apply to the SINP for permanent resident status.


The Student category allows eligible post-secondary graduates to apply for permanent residency under the SINP. In order to qualify, you must:

  • Have graduated with a certificate, diploma or degree from a recognised post-secondary educational institution in Canada
  • Have worked for a Saskatchewan employer for a minimum of six months under a CIC post-graduation work permit
  • Have a current, permanent, full-time job offer from your employer

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